+91 8052551085, 7905593691 pcitgonda@gmail.com
Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology Advance Diploma In Computer Application OFFICE AUTOMATION SEWING & EMBROIDARY O LEVEL MS OFFICE + TALLY GST Diploma In Computer Application DESKTOP PUBLISHINGs CCC + TALLY GST DCA+CCC DCA+CCC+TALLY Certificate in Computer Application TALLY WITH GST TALLY PRIME WITH GST INTERNET & BANKING | Online Application Form 2023-24

Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology is one one of the most reputed institutes for technological education & research in India known for its strong relations with the industry, the institute has always been a favourite destination of recuritment for many firm.

Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology has been growing exponentially since its establishment. If you have the passion and knowledge, Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology is the place for you.The key to our success is our ability to attractive and retain talented resources who look forward to making career with PCIT.

Our Journey has started in 2004.We are starting with courses and ends with a Guaranteed Job. We bridge the gap between the industry and job Seekers. PCIT is offering tailor made course to student who aspire to make a place for themselves in the field of IT sectors. These courses are specially designed for those students who have completed their 12th and looking for job oriented course.

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Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology

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